“We’re Running a Race, but We’re Doing It Together”

Felix Chaltry, DO, is reassured to see Knoxvillians comply with masking and social distancing. When “COVID-19 fatigue” set in, Dr. Chaltry says, “This is what we are called to do – be strong for our family, our community and most of all, for our patients.”

He acknowledges how hard hospital visitor restrictions are for each patient and family. He is inspired by witnessing the encouraging role the nurses play in addition to their clinical care.  Dr. Chaltry shares, “We are updating ourselves on this disease daily. We are constantly learning how to best treat those in the hospital as well as how treatments are developing across the world. The impending vaccine is something to look forward to.”

For people recovering from COVID-19, Dr. Chaltry emphasizes the importance of slowly increasing movement and concentrating on proper sleep, eating habits and appropriate exercise. He addresses that healing from COVID-19 is mental and not just physical. “If you get a fever or any other symptoms return, go back to the doctor.”

Take It Seriously

Thomas Worley, MD, also has a message to the community: be careful and take the virus seriously. “The threat of the virus is real,” says Dr. Worley. “Some people treat it as no big deal, but if you are the one in 1,000 people who gets hit hard, it becomes a big deal.”

“If you have respiratory symptoms, avoid interacting with people,” Dr. Worley says. “Germs are easily transmitted when you have a cold, so wash your hands and wear a mask. Especially because at the onset of illness, you don’t know yet if it’s a common cold or COVID-19. Not everyone develops fever, loses taste or smell, or has respiratory failure. It’s different with everyone. What we do know is certain groups are more at risk, like those with low immune systems, comorbidities and in older age groups.”

Dr. Worley adds, “The nurses are the real heroes. They have been and continue to be outstanding, and provide quality care to everyone who comes through the doors.”

follow the five core actions

For more information about COVID-19, please visit CovenantHealth.com/Coronavirus.

Read one couple’s journey to recovery after contracting COVID-19.

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